Key Advantages of Skytite®
- High insulation performance with low weight
- Jointless insulation free of thermal bridges
- Easy insulation of complex geometries
- Adheres to almost any substrate
- Longevity
- Easy and fast processing
Insulating flat or pitched roofs places high demands on the insulating material as roof areas have to withstand very tough conditions such as extreme variations in temperature and exposure to snow, wind and rain.
Skytite® is a particularly lightweight insulation material that can be sprayed directly onto the dust-free and dry surface. It cures quickly and can be walked on after a few minutes.
Compared to conventional insulating methods, Skytite® offers considerable advantages in terms of time savings due to its fast and easy application and lower investment costs. The system is easy to apply even in hard-to-treat places such as light domes or balustrades and easily adapts to the shape of the surface.
In case the polyurethane foam is directly exposed to UV light – e.g. in case of flat roof insulation – the insulation must be covered with an additional UV protective layer.
Tailor-made for individual needs: We support our customers in developing application-oriented solutions.