

Welcome to the Catalysts Division of BASF

BASF's Catalysts division, headquartered in Iselin, New Jersey, is the world’s leading supplier of environmental and process catalysts. The group employs more than 5,000, with over 30 manufacturing sites worldwide.

As a global division of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany, Catalysts offers exceptional expertise in the development of technologies that protect the air we breathe, produce the fuels that power our world and ensure efficient production of a wide variety of chemicals, plastics and other products including advanced battery materials.

Products and Solutions for Your Business

Aniline from the BASF Geismar Verbund site in Louisiana is used in the production of dyes, petroleum refining and pharmaceuticals. Aniline is also a building block for urethane production.
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.

Anilin des BASF Verbundstandorts Geismar, Louisiana, wird für die Produktion von Farben, Arzneimitteln und die Erdölraffinerie verwendet. Anilin ist auch ein Baustein für die Urethan-Produktion.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.
New Business Development
BASF is committed to expanding its technologies and markets beyond those we currently serve -- creating new business platforms to drive future sustainable growth.