


Dividend proposal of EUR 2.25 per share

As part of its new strategy, BASF continues to offer its shareholders an attractive dividend yield. In the medium term, we are committed to keeping the overall distribution to shareholders at least at prior-year levels through a combination of dividends and share buybacks. We have set ourselves the target of distributing at least €12 billion to shareholders from 2025 to 2028. Specifically, we strive to pay out a dividend of at least €2.25 per share annually or distribute around €2 billion per year to our shareholders. The proposed dividend for the 2024 business year is consequently €2.25 per share.

Shareholder distribution policy

Shareholder distributions via dividends and share buybacks 2025-2028:

Graphic: Shareholder distribution policy



Overall distribution on the level of the last years

Dividend per share

€ per share

Diagram: Dividend per share  € per share

* Dividend yield based on share price at year-end

Paying agent within the meaning of sec. 48 (1) nr. 4 German Security Trading Act (WpHG) is the Deutsche Bank AG with its branches.

For Fiscal year Dividend (Million €) Dividend / share1 (€) Year-end share price1 (€) Dividend yield (%) Number of shares as of Dec. 311
(in thousands)
2024 2,008 2.252 42.46 5.3 892.522
2023 3,035 3.40 48.78 7.0 892,522
2022 3,039 3.40 46.39 7.3 893,854
2021 3,072 3.40 61.78 5.5 918,478
2020 3,031 3.30 64.72 5.1 918,478
2019 3,031 3.30 67.35 4.9 918,478
2018 2,939 3.20 60.40 5.3 918,478
2017 2,847 3.10 91.74 3,4 918,478
2016 2,755 3.00 88.31 3.4 918,478
2015 2,664 2.90 70.72 4.1 918,478
2014 2,572 2.80 69.88 4.0 918,478
2013 2,480 2.70 77.49 3.5 918,478
2012 2,388 2.60 71.15 3.7 918,478
2011 2,296 2.50 53.89 4.6 918,478
2010 2,021 2.20 59.70 3.7 918,478
2009 1,561 1.70 43.46 3.9 918,478
2008 1,791 1.95 27.73 7.0 918,478
2007 1,831 1.95 50.71 3.9 956,370
2006 1,484 1.50 36.93 4.1 999,360
2005 1,015 1.00 32.36 3.1 1,030,118
2004 904 0.85 26.50 3.2 1,082,480
2003 774 0.70 22.29 3.1 1,113,286
2002 789 0.70 18.04 3.9 1,140,632
2001 758 0.65 20.88 3.1 1,166,802
2000 1,214 0.65 24.09 4.2 1,214,798

1 Adjusted for 1:2 stock split in June 2008

2 Dividend proposal to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

3 Special dividend

For Fiscal year Gross dividends  Payments on
dividend warrant
as of
Date of Annual Meeting
2024 2,251 - 07/05/2025 02/05/2025
2023 3.40 - 04/30/2024 04/25/2024
2022 3.40 - 05/03/2023 04/27/2023
2021 3.40 - 05/04/2022 04/29/2022
2020 3.30 - 05/04/2021 04/29/2021
2019 3.30 - 06/23/2020 06/18/2020
2018 3.20 - 05/08/2019 05/03/2019
2017 3.10 - 05/09/2018 05/04/2018
2016 3.00 - 05/17/2017 05/12/2017
2015 2.90 - 05/02/2016 04/29/2016
2014 2.80 - 05/04/2015 04/30/2015
2013 2.70 - 05/05/2014 05/02/2014
2012 2.60 - 04/29/2013 04/26/2013
2011 2.50 - 04/30/2012 04/27/2012
2010 2.20 - 05/09/2011 05/06/2011
2009 1.70   04/30/2010 04/29/2010
2008 1.95 - 05/04/2009 04/30/2009
1:2 stock split on 06/27/2008
2007 3.90 26 04/25/2008 04/24/2008
2006 3.00 25 04/27/2007 04/26/2007
2005 2.00 24 05/05/2006 05/04/2006
2004 1.70 23 04/29/2005 04/28/2005
2003 1.40 22 04/30/2004 04/29/2004
2002 1.40 21 05/07/2003 05/06/2003
2001 1.30 20 05/02/2002 04/30/2002
2000 2.00 19 04/27/2001 04/26/2001
1999 1.13 18 04/28/2000 04/27/2000
  DM No.     
1998 2.20 17 04/30/1999 04/29/1999
Conversion of DM shares to no-par shares as of 07/06/1998
1997 2.00 16 05/20/1998 05/19/1998
1996 1.70 15 05/16/1997 05/15/1997
Introduction of the 5 DM share;
conversion of per-share price from nom. DM 50 to nom. DM 5 as of 07/01/1996
1995 14.00 14 05/10/1996 05/09/1996
1994 10.00 13 15/05/1995 05/11/1995
1993 8.00 12 04/29/1994 04/28/1994
1992 10.00 11 04/30/1993 04/29/1993
1991 12.00 10 05/04/1992 04/30/1992
1990 13.00 9 06/28/1991 06/27/1991
1 Dividend proposal to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Last UpdateFebruary 28, 2025