


Numerous German and international financial analysts monitor BASF's performance.

Reports can be obtained through the relevant financial Internet portals as newratings or Yahoo!Finance.

The following list includes banks and securities firms that publish regular research reports on BASF.
BASF cannot give any assurance that the list is complete.

Institution Analyst
Baader Helvea Konstantin Wiechert
Bank of America Matthew Yates
Barclays Capital Inc. Alex Stewart
Berenberg Bank Sebastian Bray
Bernstein Societe Generale Group Peter Clark
Citi Investment Research Sebastian Satz
Deutsche Bank Virginie Boucher-Ferte
DZ Bank Peter Spengler
Exane BNP Paribas Laurent Favre
Goldman Sachs Georgina Fraser
HSBC Martin Evans
Jefferies & Company, Inc. Chris Counihan
J.P. Morgan Cazenove Chetan Udeshi
Kepler Cheuvreux Christian Faitz
LBBW Ulle Wörner
Metzler Thomas Schulte-Vorwick
M.M. Warburg Oliver Schwarz
Morgan Stanley Thomas Wrigglesworth 
Morningstar Katherine J. Olexa
mwb research Oliver Wojahn
ODDO BHF Michael Schäfer
On Field Investment Research Jaideep Pandya
Redburn Atlantic Tony Jones
Stifel Andreas Heine
UBS Ltd Geoff Haire


Please note that the reports and assessments accessed through the above links are those of the respective analyst firms only and are not under the control or influence of BASF. BASF does not assume any liability or warranty for these external contents within the meaning of § 5 TDG.

Last UpdateSeptember 11, 2024