We bring our corporate purpose – We create chemistry for a sustainable future – to life by systematically integrating sustainability into our strategy, our business and our assessment, steering and compensation systems. We want to secure our long-term success with products, solutions and technologies that create value added for our customers, the environment and society.
Our strategic approach
Sustainability is integrated into our decision-making processes. Our opportunities and risk management systematically records effects, opportunities and risks arising from our business activities for sustainability topics and how these impact our businesses in a positive or negative way. Decisions regarding investments, acquisitions and divestitures are made while taking comprehensive assessments of sustainability impacts into account. The entire Board of Executive Directors is responsible for sustainability topics, which should be driven forward by all employees. Therefore, BASF’s senior executives’ long-term variable compensation is also based on the achievement of our targets for reducing CO2 emissions.
Measuring sustainable value added
We are aware that our business activities can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment and society. We aim to increase our positive contributions and minimize the negative impacts of our business activities. To achieve this, we need to measure how our actions and our products impact the environment and society.
We have many years of experience in this area from evaluating our products and processes using methods such as the SEEbalance® Socio-Eco-Efficiency Analysis, Eco-Efficiency Analyses, our TripleS (Sustainable Solution Steering) portfolio analysis, BASF’s corporate carbon footprint or the calculation of product carbon footprints.
A significant steering tool for the product portfolio, based on the sustainability performance of our products, is TripleS. Following an update to the method in 2022, we categorize our product portfolio into five segments, taking sustainability-related aspects into account: Pioneer, Contributor, Standard, Monitored and Challenged (see graphic). We began to reassess products in 2023, and the reassessment will be completed in 2024. We will take regulatory changes into account if they have a material impact on our portfolio and therefore also on our segmentation. The allocations by segment and sales are therefore provisional.
The new KPI sales of Sustainable-Future Solutions summarizes the total sales of Pioneer and Contributor products. Products allocated to these segments make a positive sustainability contribution in the value chain. In line with our corporate strategy, we have set ourselves the target of making sustainability an even greater part of our innovative power. By 2030, more than 50% of BASF’s sales relevant to TripleS1 are to be attributable to Sustainable-Future Solutions (2023: 41.4%). With TripleS, we are steering our product portfolio and our research and development units toward sustainable solutions. According to our updated methodology, in 2023, around €1 billion of our annual expenditure on research and development contributed to potential Sustainable-Future Solutions.
TripleS (Sustainable Solution Steering)1

1 Sales shares based on the analysis of the relevant portfolio carried out by the end of 2023. See the TripleS manual at basf.com/en/sustainable-solution-steering for the definition of the relevant portfolio and further information. The provisional segmentation has not been audited by KPMG. The allocation to the segments is provisional, as the reassessment of our portfolios has not yet been completed.
If, during the reassessment of our portfolio, we identify products with sustainability concerns, we classify them either as “Monitored,” or in case of significant concerns, as “Challenged,” as we did in the past. A description of possible measures is mandatory for both categories. In the case of Challenged products, we develop our own action plans. These include research projects and reformulations to optimize products or replacing the product with an alternative. To systematically align our portfolio with contributions to sustainability, we are generally phasing out all Challenged products within five years of their initial classification.
Of BASF’s €68.9 billion in sales in 2023, €55.5 billion is relevant for the TripleS evaluation. We have analyzed €52.8 billion of this latter amount as part of TripleS by the end of 2023.3 The relevant portfolio comprises BASF Group’s sales from sales products to third parties in the business year concerned. This excludes business that is not product-related, such as licenses or services.
1 The definition of the relevant portfolio and further information can be found in the TripleS manual at basf.com/en/sustainable-solution-steering
2 Sales shares based on the analysis of the relevant portfolio carried out by the end of 2023. See the TripleS manual at basf.com/en/sustainable-solution-steering for the definition of the relevant portfolio and further information. The provisional segmentation has not been audited by KPMG. The allocation to the segments is provisional, as the reassessment of our portfolios has not yet been completed.
3 Sum of validated and provisional segmentation