Germany’s Gesetz zur Einführung virtueller Hauptversammlungen von Aktiengesellschaften und Änderung genossenschafts- sowie insolvenz- und restrukturierungsrechtlicher Vorschriften [“Act on the Introduction of Virtual General Meetings of Stock Corporations and Amendment of Cooperative, Insolvency and Restructuring Law Provisions”] (Federal Law Gazette I No. 27 2022, p. 1166ff) allows, in the future as well, Shareholders’ Meetings to be held without shareholders or their proxies being physically present at the location of the Shareholders’ Meeting (“virtual Shareholders’ Meeting”). In accordance with Section 118a(1) sentence 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act, the Statutes can stipulate or authorize the Board of Executive Directors to stipulate that the Shareholders’ Meeting will be held as a virtual Shareholders’ Meeting.
The Statutes shall be amended to add a corresponding authorization of the Board of Executive Directors. However, the authorization shall be valid for less than the maximum five-year period foreseen in the Act. Instead, the authorization shall initially only be valid for two years after the amendment of the Statutes is entered into the company’s Commercial Register. This gives shareholders the opportunity at an earlier point in time to decide on a renewal of the authorization of the Board of Executive Directors to conduct a virtual Shareholders’ Meeting.
During the two-year period of the authorization, the Board of Executive Directors will decide for each future Shareholders’ Meeting, taking into consideration the specific circumstances of each individual case, whether to make use of this authorization and in which form the Shareholders’ Meeting should be convened as a virtual Shareholders’ Meeting. When making its decisions, the Board of Executive Directors will consider in particular the interests of shareholders and take account of, inter alia, the appropriate safeguarding of shareholder rights as well as aspects of health protection for participants, effort and costs as well as sustainability considerations.
The Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board propose that the following resolution be adopted:
Article 17 of the Statutes is to be supplemented by the following new No. 5:
“5. The Board of Executive Directors is authorized to stipulate that the Shareholders’ Meeting be held without the physical presence of shareholders or their proxies at the location of the Shareholders’ Meeting (virtual Shareholders’ Meeting). The authorization is valid for the holding of virtual Shareholders’ Meetings during a period of two years following the entry of this provision of the Statutes in the company’s Commercial Register.”