Energy and climate policies
As an energy-intensive company, we are committed to energy efficiency and global climate protection. To provide the necessary business solutions, companies need a predictable and stable climate and energy policy framework that is market-oriented and cost-effective. Therefore, BASF participates in the political debate and strives for solutions which combine social responsibility, environmental protection and economic feasibility.
Global climate policies
We advocate for a binding global climate protection agreement with obligations for all countries according to their responsibilities and abilities.
Emission trading
Many different carbon pricing schemes have been introduced around the world, affecting a major share of BASF operations. Follow the link to find out more about our positions on carbon pricing systems and emission trading.
Energy efficiency
BASF is an energy intensive company. In the face of limited resources, the economical use of energy is part of our corporate philosophy.
Industry Associations Review
We assessed the positions held by our key associations in relation to BASF positions on energy and climate policy.