


Welcome to BASF

“Welcome to BASF” is our welcome program for your successful start at BASF. We will provide you with the best support from the very first day, so that you quickly find your bearings at BASF. You will be given the opportunity to become acquainted with BASF, to fully develop your strengths, ideas, and expertise, and to build a network with fellow colleagues. We have also created specific processes for your further professional development, which you will tailor to your needs together with your manager.

Right from the start, an experienced colleague will be at your side to support you during your first weeks at work. Several information events will give you orientation and an overview about the BASF world. Together with your manager you will define your individual goals and training modules. Furthermore, we offer various opportunities to build up and expand your network at BASF.

From the beginning, you will give your best and we want to do the same for you: “Welcome to BASF” reaches far beyond the first days in the company. In three phases we will get you on board until you really feel at home.

On your first day, your initial contact partners will welcome you, help you get to know your direct co-workers and familiarize yourself with your working environment. They will supply you with all the information you need on joining the company and when carrying out your work. You can ask any questions that concern you.

You now know your colleagues, duties, and goals. You have become familiar with your direct working environment and have everything you need to fulfill your duties to the best of your abilities. Now, you are ready to become more closely acquainted with and understand BASF’s structure and strategic approach.

You have now really settled in. You understand the corporate culture and act accordingly. You extend your network on a daily basis and know how to make use of your contacts. It is now a question of how to introduce your ideas and develop further – for yourself and for BASF.