Brand på BASFs fabrik i Ballerup
Mandag d. 5. august brød en væg i en lagerbygning på BASFs fabrik i Ballerup i brand. Alarmen gik 14.30, og fabriksområdet blev med det samme evakueret. Kort efter ankom beredskabet, som hurtigt fik branden under kontrol. Ingen kom til skade. Produktionen bliver ikke påvirket af branden, og medarbejderne kan tirsdag d. 6. august genoptage arbejdet som normalt.
Politiet undersøger nu brandårsagen.
Stor tak til beredskabet for deres hurtigere indgriben.
Fire at BASF plant in Ballerup
On Monday August 5, a wall in a building at the BASF site in Ballerup (Denmark) caught fire. The alarm was raised at 14.30 and the factory area was immediately evacuated. The emergency services arrived soon after and quickly extinguished the fire. No one was injured. Production has not been affected by the fire and employees will be able to return to work on Tuesday, August 6 as normal.
The police are now investigating the cause of the fire.
We thank the emergency service for their adequate response.