
Questions on how to apply

For professionals, job starters and students

Are the positions advertised online up-to-date?

Where can I find information on the latest job postings?

What is your data protection policy regarding the online application system?

Do you prefer candidates who have previously carried out an internship or thesis placement at BASF?

How can I view the job postings for BASF Spain?

How do I apply?

During the application process, can I change parts of my application that I have already uploaded?

How can I send an unsolicited application?

Will my applications be processed at the same time?

Can I apply to several locations or for several positions at the same time?

Can I use data that I have already provided BASF for another application?

Am I sent a notification once I have sent my application?

Which other documents should I attach to my application?

When generating an online application, can I interrupt the application and log on again later?

Am I sent correspondence by e-mail?

How many months in advance should I apply to a position?

How can I find out about the status of my application?

Who is my contact partner at BASF for my application?

I would like to apply to an international BASF location! Who should I contact?

Can I send one application to be considered for several positions?

Can I postpone the date for my selection interview?

Does BASF also offer temporary and casual jobs?

Call center team
If you have any question about your application or about how to apply, you can contact our Recruiting Team .