Data Protection

Personal Data Protection Notice 

This Personal Data Protection Notice (“Notice”) is issued pursuant to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.

In the course of your dealings with BASF South East Asia Pte Ltd (“BASF”), we have collected and/or will collect your Personal Data to enable BASF to enter into, and manage commercial transactions with you. BASF views and treats your Personal Data seriously at all times. BASF has therefore developed a policy that describes how BASF uses your Personal Data. Kindly read this Notice and understand your rights on the matter.

BASF shall have the right to modify, update or amend the terms of this Notice at any time. By continuing to use this website, engage with BASF or by continuing to purchase or use BASF’s products and services following the modifications, updates or amendments to this Notice, it shall signify your acceptance of such modifications, updates or amendments.

Personal Data

Your Personal Data is information that relates directly or indirectly to you, who is identified or identifiable from that information or from that and other information.

Examples of Personal Data include your:

(a)        name;
(b)        national registration identity card number;
(c)        gender;
(d)        race and religion;
(e)        home address;
(f)        home and personal mobile number;
(g)       personal email address; and
(h)       credit card or bank account information.
(i)        information about your computer hardware and software when you access our website. The information can include your IP address, browser type, domain name, access times and referring website addresses.

The list of personal data stated above is not exhaustive and may include other personal data depending on the nature of dealings or transaction.

Collection and Use of Personal Data 

During the course of your transactions and dealings with BASF, you may be requested to furnish your Personal Data from time to time. In addition to the Personal Data you provide to BASF directly, BASF may also collect your Personal Data from your visits to our website or from a variety of sources and combine it with information you have given us to provide and improve BASF’s products and services and/or for any other purposes related to BASF’s business.

The provision of your Personal Data is voluntary. However, if you do not provide, or withdraw your consent for us to use, your Personal Data, BASF may not, amongst others, be able to (i) communicate with you; (ii) provide you the products or services you require; or (iii) fulfil our contractual obligations to you.

Please note that notwithstanding the withdrawal of your consent, the Company may still proceed to process your Personal Data in circumstances recognized and permitted by law. 

Purposes of Processing 

BASF may use your Personal Data to process the necessary transaction in relation to the relevant matter, and for the business activities of BASF, which shall include:

(a)        to communicate with you;
(b)        to respond to questions and comments from you;
(c)        for internal administrative purposes including auditing, data analysis, and research to improve on our products and services;
(d)        to send you important notices by way of emails, letters or other means of communication, about purchases and changes to BASF’s terms, conditions, and policies;
(e)        to send you materials on BASF’s latest product announcements and upcoming events. If you do not wish to be on our mailing list, please let us know in writing. 

Disclosure to Third Parties

Your Personal Data may be transferred, accessed or disclosed to third parties for the purposes described above or as permitted by law. Further, BASF may provide access or disclose your Personal Data to third party providers that provide services on behalf of BASF such as information processing, extending credit, fulfilling customer orders, delivering products to you, managing and enhancing customer data, providing customer service, assessing your interest in BASF’s products and services and conducting customer research or satisfaction surveys.

Your Personal Data may also be shared in connection with a corporate transaction such as a sale of a subsidiary or a division, merger, consolidation, asset sale or in the unlikely event of a winding-up.    


We collect information about your use of our websites from cookies. Cookies are packets of information stored in your computer which assist your website navigation by customizing site information tailored to your needs. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. You are not obliged to accept cookies. If you are concerned, you can set your computer either to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. However, rejection of cookies may affect your use of our websites as we will be unable to personalize aspects of your use of the website.

Links to Third Party Websites

Please be informed that this Notice applies solely to BASF and does not apply to any third party websites you may access from our websites. To determine how they deal with your Personal Data, you should ensure that you read their respective privacy policies. 

Transfer of Personal Data

Your Personal Data may be transferred to, stored, used and processed in a jurisdiction other than Singapore and/or where BASF’s servers are located outside Singapore. You understand and consent to the transfer of your Personal Data out of Singapore as described herein.

Within our group of companies, your Personal Data is provided to specific companies within the group if they centrally perform key tasks for affiliates within the company group or perform cross-company functions on the basis of the organizational structure or if it necessary to fulfil the abovementioned purposes.

Protection of Personal Data

BASF takes the necessary precautions to safeguard your Personal Data against loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, usage, alternation or destruction. 

Retention of Personal Data

We will retain your Personal Data for the period necessary to fulfil the many different purposes outlined in this Notice unless a longer retention period is permitted or required by law. 

Rights of Access and Correction

Please ensure that the Personal Data you provide us is accurate as neither BASF nor any of its directors, officers or employees will be liable for any Personal Data submitted by you that is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, or not updated.

Subject to any exceptions under applicable laws, you may at any time hereafter request for access to, or for correction or rectification of your Personal Data, or seek further information from BASF by contacting:


Annie Tan
Head of Human Resources
BASF South East Asia Pte Ltd
128 Beach Road, Guoco Midtown #18-01, Singapore 189773
Phone: (65) 6432 3483
Mobile: (65) 9386 8914