Freshwater wetland complex & groundwater recharge
New Jersey

New Jersey

BASF to move forward with restoration projects at the Toms River, NJ site

Community engagement opportunities

Project timeline

Since the execution of the Settlement Agreement, BASF has conducted preliminary design studies, solicited input from the public, and collected feedback from the NJDEP on the nine ecological restoration projects. As presented in the Scope of Work found as Appendix B of the Settlement Agreement, some of the projects are more complex than others. Therefore, the nine projects were broken up and placed into three categories based on their level of effort (Fast Track, Typical, and Complex). Based on the feedback, select projects were redefined and re-categorized into the three categories. The revised schedule is shown below.

Read BASF response to NJDEP public comment period

Watch here: BASF Restoration Projects in Toms River, New Jersey - Restoring Nature, Connecting Community