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E-mobility brings new challenges in terms of corrosion protection and makes more reactive solutions necessary. Dr. Lin Wang, lab manager in E-Coat development, checks the quality of the panels just produced in the pilot plant.

A newly developed coolant from the Glysantin® product range is another BASF product that further enhances safety in EVs: It has exceptionally low electrical conductivity thanks to its novel formulation. This means that if the battery is damaged, for example, in an accident, the new BASF product does not react with high-voltage battery components. At the same time, Glysantin® ElectrifiedTM offers reliable corrosion protection in the cooling system of electric vehicles. Sandra Schnell, lab technician coolants, inspects corrosion tests with coolants.

A newly developed coolant from the Glysantin® product range is another BASF product that further enhances safety in EVs: It has exceptionally low electrical conductivity thanks to its novel formulation. This means that if the battery is damaged, for example, in an accident, the new BASF product does not react with high-voltage battery components. At the same time, Glysantin® ElectrifiedTM offers reliable corrosion protection in the cooling system of electric vehicles. Sandra Schnell, lab technician coolants, Dr. Masayuki Hirosue, Senior Manager Technical Marketing Automotive Fluids, and Dr. Itamar Malkowsky (from left to right), Senior Manager Technical Marketing Automotive Fluids, evaluate color samples of various coolants.