People on a sailing boat in the ocean, under a bright sky, surrounded by a key visual of four lines in blue, orange, green and red (photoshopped)
Young girl with Pinwheel in sun
Partly silhouetted against the sunset, racing driver Hernan Bradas and his co-driver wave as they drive the green and blue eBaquet, an electric car built in the style of a famous 1940s racing car, along a dusty track in Argentina.
Weltweit arbeiten Forscher der BASF an neuen landwirtschaftlichen Lösungen, die eine Balance zwischen landwirtschaftlicher Produktivität, Umweltschutz und gesellschaftlichen Bedürfnissen ermöglichen.

Our “Winning Ways”

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Q2 2024
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The climate is changing.
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Our journey toward climate neutrality

Reducing our carbon footprint

Collage of creating chemistry magazine covers.
Creating Chemistry Magazine
Insights into global challenges that move our world today and in the future.

Solutions for your industry

We empower businesses to become more sustainable

Woman running in front of a river and skyline
Our Vision in Agriculture
For the love of farming, the biggest job on Earth
Everything we do, we do for farming. We care about it and its future. Farming is in our blood. We’re here for farmers, growers, and all the agricultural community. We do everything in our power to build a sustainable future for agriculture by connecting innovation, customers and society.
Biologisch abbaubare Mulchfolien aus Kunststoff unterstützen den Gemüseanbau, indem sie Unkraut besser kontrollieren helfen und somit den Einsatz von Herbiziden verringern
Strategy for sustainability
ecovio® – our certified compostable biopolymer
Certified compostable biopolymer for bio-based content for a variety of applications.
Wind turbines in the sea.
Our Plastic Journey
Solving the plastic challenge is a journey we're all on together

People at BASF

A woman waving on a staircase in front of a Acetylene plant at the Ludwigshafen site.
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