

The Acetylene Plant

BASF's new acetylene plant has been in operation at the Ludwigshafen site since 2020. It replaces the previous plant, which started up in 1964. As a raw material supplier for around 20 plants at the site, the plant is the backbone of various value chains in BASF's production Verbund.


Die neue Acetylen-Anlage, die die fast 60-jährige alte Anlage am Verbundstandort Ludwigshafen ersetzt, kann jährlich 90.000 Tonnen der vielseitigen Chemikalie produzieren. Etwa 20 Betriebe am Standort Ludwigshafen nutzen Acetylen als vielseitig einsetzbaren chemischen Baustein und Ausgangsstoff für viele Produkte des täglichen Lebens. BASF-Kunden produzieren daraus Arzneimittel, Kunststoffe, Lösemittel, Elektrochemikalien sowie hochelastische Textilfasern zum Beispiel für die Automobil-, Pharma-, Bau-, Konsumgüter- und Textilindustrie. Die Einbindung der Anlage in das Verbundkonzept der BASF bietet die Vorteile einer effizienten Ressourcennutzung, exzellenter Produktionssynergien und kurzer Lieferwege. Damit baut die BASF die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Standorts Ludwigshafen langfristig weiter aus. Carsten Triska (links), Schichtführer, und Christian Ackermann (rechts), Anlagenfahrer, bei einem Sicherheitsrundgang in der Acetylen-Anlage.

The most efficient acetylene plant in the world


Two hydrogen and two carbon atoms: This is acetylene. The colorless gas is made from natural gas and oxygen. Around 20 plants in BASF's Production Verbund process acetylene and its derivatives.

As a versatile chemical building block, acetylene is an important starting material for many everyday products. Examples are plastics, pharmaceuticals, solvents, electrochemicals and highly elastic textile fibers. BASF customers use these products in the automotive, pharma, construction, consumer goods and textiles industries.

The new acetylene plant consumes about 10 percent fewer fossil raw materials per ton of end product than its predecessor.

Learn more about acetylene and the acetylene plant at the Ludwigshafen site.

Flares at the Ludwigshafen site
Flares are part of the Ludwigshafen site like fractionating columns or pipe bridges. The flare of the new acetylene plant can be seen from afar once it is in operation.
Neubau ACY-Anlage Blockfeld W 100

A construction site with extraordinary dimensions


More than 35,000 cubic meters of concrete and 8,500 tons of steel were used in the 40,000 square meter area. At peak times, 1,500 employees were on site, laying almost 90 kilometers of pipes and 850 kilometers of cable.

A total of 440 customized fractionating columns, machines and technical equipment from twelve countries were assembled and installed. The heart of the plant is a gas separation unit 60 meters long and weighing 225 tons which was transported by ship from China to Ludwigshafen.

Accompany the column on its journey from Nanjing to Ludwigshafen!

About poking robots and staircases

The new acetylene plant at the Ludwigshafen Verbund site replaces the previous plant, which went into operation in 1964. It is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and thus enables highly efficient acetylene production. Being the backbone of various value chains, the new world-scale plant contributes to a long-term improvement of the site's competitiveness. To perform at the highest level, top performance was also required during the construction phase. BASF's own expert teams as well as many highly specialized external companies were involved. A selection.

Neubau ACY-Anlage Blockfeld W 100


Staircases first!

Road construction

Mechanical assembly

Scaffolds based on 3D models

Functional Safety: automated, smart, digital

Hot gas casing pipes 

Cracked gas compressors

Process Gas Piping Compressor Unit

Poking Robots: 24/7 activity

Digital maintenance

Non-destructive testing

Modular Steelwork

Die neue Acetylen-Anlage, die die fast 60-jährige alte Anlage am Verbundstandort Ludwigshafen ersetzt, kann jährlich 90.000 Tonnen der vielseitigen Chemikalie produzieren. Etwa 20 Betriebe am Standort Ludwigshafen nutzen Acetylen als vielseitig einsetzbaren chemischen Baustein und Ausgangsstoff für viele Produkte des täglichen Lebens. BASF-Kunden produzieren daraus Arzneimittel, Kunststoffe, Lösemittel, Elektrochemikalien sowie hochelastische Textilfasern zum Beispiel für die Automobil-, Pharma-, Bau-, Konsumgüter- und Textilindustrie. Die Einbindung der Anlage in das Verbundkonzept der BASF bietet die Vorteile einer effizienten Ressourcennutzung, exzellenter Produktionssynergien und kurzer Lieferwege. Damit baut die BASF die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Standorts Ludwigshafen langfristig weiter aus. Carsten Triska (links), Schichtführer, und Christian Ackermann (rechts), Anlagenfahrer, bei einem Sicherheitsrundgang in der Acetylen-Anlage.

All about acetylen

From history to benefits and sustainability.

Walter Reppe - founder of modern acetylene chemistry

How does BASF produce acetylene?

What is acetylene used for?



Press Photos and TV Footage
Discover extensive photo and video material about the new acetylene plant in the BASF databases: